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3D4fining B.2-16
FinInG 1.4
\* 3.2-11 4.2-6 7.5-1 9.2-4 12.4-4
\^ 5.7-1 7.5-9 7.5-9 9.5-3 11.5-5 13.1-12 13.1-13
\in 3.7-3 4.2-6 7.5-1 9.2-4 11.1-6 11.1-6 12.5-8
AbsolutePoints 6.3-2
Action 8.3-2
ActionHomomorphism 8.3-2
ActionOnAllProjPoints 5.8-2
AffineGroup 9.5-1
AffineSpace 9.1-2 9.1-2
AffineSubspace 9.2-1 9.2-1
AffineVariety 11.4-1 11.4-1
AG 9.1-2 9.1-2
AlgebraicVariety 11.1-1 11.1-1 11.2-1 11.2-1 11.4-1 11.4-1
AmbientGeometry 3.2-12 3.3-7 14.4-3
AmbientGroup 13.1-5
AmbientSpace 3.6-2 4.1-6 4.2-12 7.3-2 7.4-5 9.1-6 9.2-5 11.1-3 14.3-1
AsList 3.5-4 4.4-3 7.8-5
AutGroupIncidenceStructureWithNauty 13.2-1
BaseField 4.1-4 4.2-13 5.3-4 5.5-1 6.2-2 7.3-5 9.1-4 9.2-6 14.3-4
BasePointOfEGQ 12.6-5
BilinearFormFieldReduction C.2-2 C.2-2
BlockDesignOfGeneralisedPolygon 12.3-7
BlownUpProjectiveSpace C.1-3
BlownUpProjectiveSpaceBySubfield C.1-4
BlownUpSubspaceOfProjectiveSpace 10.4-4 C.1-5 C.1-5
BlownUpSubspaceOfProjectiveSpaceBySubfield C.1-6
BLTSetByqClan 12.6-14
Borelsubgroup 13.1-6
CanComputeActionOnPoints 5.10-4
CanonicalGramMatrix B.1-1
CanonicalPolarSpace 7.2-7 7.2-7
CanonicalQuadraticForm B.1-2
CanonicalResidueOfFlag 13.1-21
CanonicalSubgeometryOfProjectiveSpace 14.2-1 14.2-1
Collineation 5.2-2 5.2-2
CollineationAction 12.3-6 12.6-6
CollineationFixingSubgeometry 14.3-5
CollineationGroup 5.4-2 7.7-4 9.5-2 12.3-5 12.5-10 14.5-1
CollineationOfProjectiveSpace 5.2-2 5.2-2 5.2-2 5.2-2 5.2-2 5.2-2
CollineationSubgroup 12.6-18
CompanionAutomorphism 6.2-4
ComplementSpace 9.6-4
Coordinates 4.2-8 7.4-6
CorGroupIncidenceStructureWithNauty 13.2-2
Correlation 5.2-6
CorrelationCollineationGroup 5.4-6
CorrelationOfProjectiveSpace 5.2-6 5.2-6 5.2-6 5.2-6 5.2-6
CosetGeometry 13.1-2
DefiningFrameOfSubgeometry 14.3-2
DefiningListOfPolynomials 11.1-2
DefiningPlanesOfEGQByBLTSet 12.6-16
DeltaOminus B.2-9
DeltaOplus B.2-10
DiagramOfGeometry 13.3-1
Dimension 4.1-3 5.5-2 7.3-3 7.4-3 9.1-3 14.3-3
DistanceBetweenElements 12.4-8
DrawDiagram 13.3-3 13.3-3 13.3-3
DrawDiagramWithNeato 13.3-4
DualCoordinatesOfHyperplane 4.2-9
EGQByBLTSet 12.6-15
EGQByKantorFamily 12.6-4
EGQByqClan 12.6-11
ElationGroup 12.6-6
ElationOfProjectiveSpace 5.9-1
ElementsIncidentWithElementOfIncidenceStructure 3.4-2 4.3-3 7.6-2 12.4-7
ElementsOfFlag 3.3-4
ElementsOfIncidenceStructure 3.2-6 3.2-6 3.2-7 4.2-4 7.4-4 9.2-2
ElementsOfIncidencStructure 12.4-1
ElementToElement 3.8-1
EllipticQuadric 7.2-5 7.2-5
Embed 3.8-1
Embedding 5.6-1
EmptySubspace 4.2-2 7.4-2
Enumerator 3.5-2 4.4-2 7.8-2 9.4-2
EquationOfHyperplane 4.2-11
EvaluateForm 7.5-9 7.5-9
ExtendElementOfSubgeometry 14.4-2
FieldAutomorphism 5.3-5
FindBasePointCandidates B.3-1
FINING 5.10-3
FiningOrbit 8.1-1
FiningOrbits 8.1-2 8.1-2
FiningOrbitsDomain 8.1-3
FiningSetwiseStabiliser 8.2-3
FiningStabiliser 8.2-1
FiningStabiliserOrb 8.2-2
FisherqClan 12.6-9
FisherThasWalkerKantorBettenqClan 12.6-9
FlagOfIncidenceStructure 3.3-1 4.2-18 14.4-4
FlagToStandardFlag 13.1-20
G2fining B.2-15
GammaO B.2-12
GammaOminus B.2-11
GammaOplus B.2-13
GammaSp B.2-8
GammaU B.2-14
GeneralisedPolygonByBlocks 12.2-1
GeneralisedPolygonByElements 12.2-3 12.2-3
GeneralisedPolygonByIncidenceMatrix 12.2-2
GeneralSymplecticGroup B.2-6
GeometryOfAbsolutePoints 6.3-1
GeometryOfDiagram 13.3-2
GeometryOfRank2Residue 13.1-26
GOdesargues B.2-2
GramMatrix 6.2-3
GrassmannMap 11.8-3 11.8-3 11.8-3 11.8-3
GrassmannVariety 11.8-1 11.8-1 11.8-1
GSpdesargues B.2-7
GUdesargues B.2-4
HermitianFormFieldReduction C.2-3 C.2-3
HermitianPolarityOfProjectiveSpace 6.1-2
HermitianPolarSpace 7.2-2 7.2-2
HermitianVariety 11.3-1 11.3-1 11.3-1 11.3-1
HomographyGroup 5.4-1
HomologyOfProjectiveSpace 5.9-3
HyperbolicQuadric 7.2-4 7.2-4
HyperplaneByDualCoordinates 4.2-10
Hyperplanes 3.7-4 3.7-4 4.2-5 4.3-4 4.3-4 9.2-3
IdentityMappingOfElementsOfProjectiveSpace 5.2-4
ImageElm 11.5-3
ImagesSet 11.5-4
IncidenceGraph 3.1-8 12.3-3 13.1-23
IncidenceGraphAttr 12.3-2
IncidenceMatrixOfGeneralisedPolygon 12.3-4
IncidenceStructure 3.1-3
Intertwiner 10.1-2
InversePluckerCoordinates C.3-1
IsAffineSpace 3.1-4 9.1-1
IsCanonicalPolarSpace 7.2-6
IsChamberOfIncidenceStructure 3.3-2 4.2-20 14.4-4
IsClassicalGeneralisedHexagon 12.1-6
IsClassicalGQ 12.1-5
IsClassicalPolarSpace 3.6-1 7.1-1
IsCollinear 7.5-4
IsCollineation 5.1-4
IsCollineationGroup 5.4-5
IsConnected 13.1-17
IsCorrelation 5.1-6
IsCorrelationCollineation 5.1-6
IsCosetGeometry 3.1-4 13.1-1
IsDesarguesianPlane 12.1-4
IsDesarguesianSpreadElement C.1-7
IsEGQByBLTSet 12.6-13
IsEGQByKantorFamily 12.6-2
IsElationGQ 12.1-5
IsElementOfAffineSpace 3.2-1
IsElementOfCosetGeometry 3.2-1
IsElementOfGeneralisedPolygon 3.2-1
IsElementOfIncidenceGeometry 3.2-1
IsElementOfIncidenceStructure 3.2-1
IsElementOfKantorFamily 12.6-2
IsElementOfLieGeometry 3.2-1
IsElementsOfAffineSpace 3.2-5
IsElementsOfCosetGeometry 3.2-5
IsElementsOfIncidenceGeometry 3.2-5
IsElementsOfIncidenceStructure 3.2-5
IsElementsOfLieGeometry 3.2-5
IsEllipticQuadric 7.3-7
IsEmptyFlag 3.3-3 4.2-19 14.4-4
IsEmptySubspace 3.6-5
IsFirmGeometry 13.1-14
IsFlagTransitiveGeometry 13.1-10
IsFrameOfProjectiveSpace 14.2-3
IsGeneralisedHexagon 12.1-2
IsGeneralisedOctagon 12.1-2
IsGeneralisedPolygon 3.1-4 12.1-1
IsGeneralisedPolygonRep 12.1-1
IsGeneralisedQuadrangle 12.1-2
IsGeometryMorphism 10.1-1
IsHermitianPolarityOfProjectiveSpace 6.2-5
IsHyperbolicQuadric 7.3-6
IsIncidenceGeometry 3.1-2
IsIncidenceStructure 3.1-1
IsIncident 3.2-11 3.3-9 3.3-9 4.2-6 7.5-1 9.2-4 12.4-4 13.1-3
IsIsomorphicIncidenceStructureWithNauty 13.2-3
IsKantorFamily 12.6-3
IsLieGeometry 3.1-4 12.5-2
Isometry 7.7 7.7
IsometryGroup 7.7-2
IsomorphismPolarSpaces 10.2-1 10.2-1
IsomorphismPolarSpacesNC C.3-3 C.3-3
IsomorphismPolarSpacesProjectionFromNucleus C.3-2
IsOrthogonalPolarityOfProjectiveSpace 6.2-7
IsParabolicQuadric 7.3-8
IsParallel 9.2-9
IsProjectivePlaneCategory 12.1-2
IsProjectiveSpace 3.6-1 4.1-1
IsProjectivity 5.1-3
IsProjectivityGroup 5.4-4
IsProjGrpEl 5.1-1
IsProjGrpElRep 5.1-2
IsProjGrpElWithFrob 5.1-1
IsProjGrpElWithFrobRep 5.1-2
IsProjGrpElWithFrobWithPSIsom 5.1-1 5.1-6
IsProjGrpElWithFrobWithPSIsomRep 5.1-2
IsPseudoPolarityOfProjectiveSpace 6.2-8
IsResiduallyConnected 13.1-18
IsStrictlySemilinear 5.1-5
IsSubgeometryOfProjectiveSpace 14.1-1
IsSubspaceOfClassicalPolarSpace 3.2-1
IsSubspaceOfProjectiveSpace 3.2-1
IsSubspaceOfSubgeometryOfProjectiveSpace 14.1-2
IsSubspacesOfClassicalPolarSpace 3.2-5
IsSubspacesOfProjectiveSpace 3.2-5
IsSubspacesOfSubgeometryOfProjectiveSpace 14.1-2
IsSymplecticPolarityOfProjectiveSpace 6.2-6
IsThickGeometry 13.1-15
IsThinGeometry 13.1-16
IsVectorSpaceTransversal 9.6-1
IsWeakGeneralisedPolygon 12.1-3
Iterator 3.5-1 4.4-1 7.8-4 9.4-1 11.1-5
KantorFamilyByqClan 12.6-10
KantorKnuthqClan 12.6-9
KantorMonomialqClan 12.6-9
KleinCorrespondence 10.3-2 10.3-2 10.3-2 10.3-2 10.3-3 10.3-3
KleinCorrespondenceExtended 10.3-4 10.3-4
LinearqClan 12.6-9
Lines 3.2-8 3.4-5 3.4-5 4.2-5 4.3-4 4.3-4 9.2-3 12.4-1 12.4-7
List 3.5-3 4.4-3 7.8-2
MatrixOfCollineation 5.3-2
MatrixOfCorrelation 5.3-3
Meet 4.2-17 4.2-17 7.5-3 9.2-8 12.4-6 12.5-9
NaturalDuality 10.3-5 10.3-5 10.3-5 10.3-5
NaturalEmbeddingByFieldReduction 10.4-5 10.4-5 10.4-5 10.4-5 10.5-4 10.5-4 10.5-4 10.5-4 10.5-4 10.5-4 10.5-5 10.5-5
NaturalEmbeddingBySubField 10.4-2 10.4-2 10.5-2 10.5-2
NaturalEmbeddingBySubspace 10.4-1 10.5-1
NaturalEmbeddingBySubspaceNC C.3-4
NaturalProjectionBySubspace 10.6-1
NaturalProjectionBySubspaceNC C.3-5
NiceMonomorphism 5.10-1 8.3-3
NiceMonomorphismByDomain 5.10-5
NiceMonomorphismByOrbit 5.10-6
NiceObject 5.10-2 8.3-4
NrElementsOfIncidenceStructure 3.2-9 3.2-9
ObjectToElement 3.2-4 12.4-3 12.4-3 12.5-6 12.6-5 12.6-5 12.6-17 12.6-17
OnAffineSpaces 9.5-3
OnCosetGeometryElement 13.1-11
OnKantorFamily 12.6-6
OnProjSubspaces 5.8-1 8.3-1
OnProjSubspacesExtended 5.8-3 8.3-1
OnSetsProjSubspaces 8.3-1
Order 5.3-7 12.3-1
ParabolicQuadric 7.2-3 7.2-3
ParabolicSubgroups 13.1-4
ParallelClass 9.2-10 9.2-10
PG 4.1-2
Planes 3.2-8 3.4-5 3.4-5 4.2-5 4.3-4 4.3-4 9.2-3
PluckerCoordinates 10.3-1 C.3-1
Points 3.2-8 3.4-5 3.4-5 4.2-5 4.3-4 4.3-4 9.2-3 11.1-4 11.6-2 11.7-2 11.8-2 12.4-1 12.4-7
PointsOfAlgebraicVariety 11.1-4
PointsOfGrassmannVariety 11.8-2
PointsOfSegreVariety 11.6-2
PointsOfVeroneseVariety 11.7-2
PolarityOfProjectiveSpace 6.1-1 6.1-2 6.1-3 6.1-4 7.5-5
PolarSpace 6.3-3 7.1-2 7.1-2 11.3-5
Pole 7.5-8
ProjectiveCompletion 10.7-1
ProjectiveDimension 3.6-4 4.1-3 4.2-3 7.3-3 7.4-3 14.3-3
ProjectiveElationGroup 5.9-2 5.9-2
ProjectiveHomologyGroup 5.9-4
ProjectiveSemilinearMap 5.2-3
ProjectiveSpace 4.1-2 4.1-2
ProjectiveSpaceIsomorphism 5.3-6
ProjectiveStabiliserGroupOfSubspace 8.2-5
ProjectiveVariety 11.2-1 11.2-1
Projectivity 5.2-1 5.2-1
ProjectivityGroup 5.4-1 14.5-1
qClan 12.6-8
QuadraticForm 11.3-3
QuadraticFormFieldReduction C.2-1 C.2-1
QuadraticVariety 11.3-2 11.3-2 11.3-2 11.3-2 11.3-2 11.3-2
Random 3.2-10 4.2-14
RandomChamber 13.1-9
RandomElement 13.1-7
RandomFlag 13.1-8
RandomFrameOfProjectiveSpace 14.2-2
RandomSubspace 4.2-15 4.2-15
Range 11.5-2
Rank 3.1-7 3.3-5 4.1-3 7.3-4 9.1-3 14.3-3
Rank2Parameters 13.1-27
RankAttr 3.1-7
Representative 5.3-1
ResidueOfFlag 3.4-4 13.1-22
Rk2GeoDiameter 13.1-25
Rk2GeoGonality 13.1-24
SegreMap 11.6-3 11.6-3 11.6-3 11.6-3 11.6-3 11.6-3
SegreVariety 11.6-1 11.6-1 11.6-1 11.6-1 11.6-1
SelfDuality 10.3-6 10.3-6
Semi-similarity 7.7 7.7
SesquilinearForm 6.2-1 11.3-4
SetParent 8.3-6
ShadowOfElement 3.4-1 3.4-1 4.3-1 4.3-1 7.6-1 7.6-1 9.3-1 12.4-7
ShadowOfFlag 3.4-3 3.4-3 3.4-3 3.4-3 4.3-2 4.3-2 9.3-2
ShrinkMat C.1-2 C.1-2
ShrinkVec C.1-1 C.1-1
Similarity 7.7 7.7
SimilarityGroup 7.7-3
Size 3.3-6 12.4-2
SOdesargues B.2-1
Solids 3.2-8 3.4-5 3.4-5 4.2-5 4.3-4 4.3-4 9.2-3
Source 11.5-1 11.6-4 11.7-4 11.8-4
Span 4.2-16 4.2-16 7.5-2 9.2-7 12.4-5 12.5-9
Spdesargues B.2-5
SpecialHomographyGroup 5.4-3
SpecialIsometryGroup 7.7-1
SpecialProjectiveStabiliserGroupOfSubspace 8.2-6
SpecialProjectivityGroup 5.4-3 14.5-1
SplitCayleyHexagon 12.5-3 12.5-3 12.5-3
StabiliserGroupOfSubspace 8.2-4
StandardDualityOfProjectiveSpace 5.2-5
StandardFlagOfCosetGeometry 13.1-19
StandardFrame 4.2-7
StandardPolarSpace 7.2-8 7.2-8
SubfieldOfSubgeometry 14.3-4
SubgeometryOfProjectiveSpaceByFrame 14.2-4 14.2-4
SUdesargues B.2-3
SymplecticSpace 7.2-1 7.2-1
TangentSpace 7.5-7 7.5-7
TwistedTrialityHexagon 12.5-4 12.5-4 12.5-4
Type 3.2-3 3.3-8
TypeOfSubspace 7.5-6
TypesOfElementsOfIncidenceStructure 3.1-6
TypesOfElementsOfIncidenceStructurePlural 3.1-6
UnderlyingObject 3.2-2 3.7-2 12.4-3 12.5-7 12.6-5 12.6-17
UnderlyingVectorSpace 3.6-3 4.1-5 7.3-1 9.1-5 14.3-1 14.3-4
vector spaceToElement 12.5-5
VectorSpaceToElement 3.7-1 3.7-1 4.2-1 7.4-1 14.4-1
VectorSpaceTransversal 9.6-2
VectorSpaceTransversalElement 9.6-3
VeroneseMap 11.7-3 11.7-3 11.7-3 11.7-3
VeroneseVariety 11.7-1 11.7-1 11.7-1

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