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1 Introduction
 1.1 Installation
 1.2 Usage

1 Introduction

This package, SL2Reps, provides methods for constructing and testing matrix presentations of the representations of \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})\) whose kernels are congruence subgroups of \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})\).

Irreducible representations of prime-power level are constructed individually by using the Weil representations of quadratic modules, and from these a list of all representations of a given degree or level can be produced. Each representation is represented by a pair \((S,T)\), where \(S\) is a symmetric, unitary matrix and \(T\) is a diagonal matrix of finite order; this format is designed for the study of modular tensor categories in particular.

1.1 Installation

To install SL2Reps, first download it from, then place it in the pkg subdirectory of your GAP installation (or in the pkg subdirectory of any other GAP root directory, for example one added with the -l argument).

SL2Reps is then loaded with the GAP command

gap> LoadPackage( "SL2Reps" );

1.2 Usage

Specific irreducible representations may be constructed via the methods in Chapter 3, while lists of irreducible representations with a given degree or level may be constructed with those in Chapter 4.

This package uses an InfoClass, InfoSL2Reps. It may be set to 0 (silent), 1 (info), or 2 (verbose). To change it, use

gap> SetInfoLevel( InfoSL2Reps, k );

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