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4 MathML Example Generation
 4.1 MathML Generation Functions for GAP Objects

4 MathML Example Generation

4.1 MathML Generation Functions for GAP Objects

This section describes a bare-bones implementation of the framework for generating MathML representations. It is intended to be used as a reference for implementing the framework, and as a starting point for implementing the framework for other languages - not as a fully functional implementation of the framework.

4.1-1 GenMathmlTmpl
‣ GenMathmlTmpl( obj )( operation )

Returns: An Unpopulated MathML Format String

Generates a format string that represents the structural definition of the given GAP object obj in MathML. It contains no parameter values, and will need to be populated with the arguments representing the semantic values of the object, generated via GenArgs (1.2-1), before it can be rendered in a MathML environment.

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