23 January 2024
Chris Wensley
Email: cdwensley.maths@btinternet.com
Homepage: https://github.com/cdwensley
Murat Alp
Email: muratalp@nigde.edu.tr
Prof. Dr. M. Alp
Ömer Halisdemir University
Art and Science Faculty
Mathematics Department
Alper Odabas
Email: aodabas@ogu.edu.tr
Dr. A. Odabas
Osmangazi University
Arts and Sciences Faculty
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Enver Onder Uslu
The XMod package provides functions for computation with
finite crossed modules of groups and cat1-groups, and morphisms of these structures;
finite pre-crossed modules, pre-cat1-groups, and their Peiffer quotients;
isoclinism classes of groups and crossed modules;
derivations of crossed modules and sections of cat1-groups;
crossed squares and their morphisms, including the actor crossed square of a crossed module;
crossed modules of finite groupoids (experimental version).
XMod was originally implemented in 1996 using the GAP3 language, when the second author was studying for a Ph.D. [Alp97] at Bangor.
In April 2002 the first and third parts were converted to GAP4, the pre-structures were added, and version 2.001 was released. The final two parts, covering derivations, sections and actors, were included in the January 2004 release 2.002 for GAP 4.4.
In October 2015 functions for computing isoclinism classes of crossed modules, written by Alper Odabaş and Enver Uslu, were added. These are contained in Chapter 4, and are described in detail in the paper [IOU16].
Bug reports, suggestions and comments are, of course, welcome. Please submit an issue at https://github.com/gap-packages/xmod/issues/ or send an email to the first author at cdwensley@btinternet.com.
© 1996-2024, Chris Wensley et al.
The XMod package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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